To view the Illawarra Lapidary Club Inc’s Constitution, please click here.
Membership Fees for the Illawarra Lapidary Club (due by the 1st of January each year)
Please note: You are not permitted to use the club’s machinery/go on field trips etc until you have paid your annual fees, which includes insurance.
$10 – Joining fee (compulsory in addition to all memberships below when first joining)
$24 – Member (inc. compulsory $4 insurance fee)
$19 – Concession Senior/Student/Pensioner (inc. $4 compulsory insurance fee)
$45 – Family (Inc 12 – 18 years) +$4 compulsory insurance fee per family member + $10 – Joining fee per family member
eg. 2 adults and 2 children = $45 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10= $101
$19 – Junior (12 to 18 years) – inc. $4 compulsory insurance fee
After March 31st of each year, pro-rata fees will be charge for new membership applications.
When you have been advised to pay your new membership fees (please do not pay when submitting your application form) or renewal fees (for existing members) and you wish to do so via bank transfer, please use the following bank details and Firstname Lastname e.g. Joe Smith as a reference or Joe Smith Renewal, *please see note below:
Commonwealth bank BSB: 062-528
Account number: 00902992
*Fees are due on the 1st of January of each year, as a courtesy to members, late fees can be paid up to the end of March without penalty, after this you will incur a $10 late fee. If you have not paid your renewal fees by September 30th, you will need to re-apply for membership by filling in a membership application form.
For all classes and Mineral Group meetings an additional fee of $5 per session per member applies.
To apply for club membership please download and print/fill in the following .pdf ILC Membership Form (payment to made once membership has been approved by committee and you have been contacted with the correct amount to pay):-
ILC Membership form (July 2024)
Email the completed form to
Send completed form for membership approval to:-
Club Secretary
Illawarra Lapidary Club
PO Box 117
NSW 2518
From receipt of the completed membership form and fees the application is reviewed by the executive committee for approval. The executive meet in the second week of each month except December. On approval by the executive, the secretary will invite prospective member(s) along to a general business meeting for induction into the club. General business meetings are held on the third Wednesday evening of each month except December. On induction the prospective member is given a copy of the club rules, constitution etc. Only after induction can the prospective member attend any of the classes held by the club or participate in any of the other activities of the club.