Any members of the Illawarra Lapidary Club wishing to attend a Workshop please put your name in the workshop book at the front of the clubhouse.
Details of future workshops will be sent to members via email or mentioned in the
monthly newsletter.
Cabochon Workshop – 20th – 21st of January 2024
On the 20th and 21st of January, members of our Lapidary Club took part in a Cabbing
Workshop run by the Gem and Lapidary Council and taught by the very experienced, Paul
Sabolta. It was a great weekend and a lot was learned by our members!
Dichroic Glass Workshop – 22nd July 2018
With a small class and some fancy glass, a great morning was had! Each individual’s creative flair was displayed when we mixed and matched different glass to come up with some beautiful creations… there was even a bit of experimenting to be done with the Dichroic glass as well! Thanks to Veronicia and Maureen for running the class, it was great!

Cabbing Workshop – 1st July 2018
Another fantastic day was had by all who came along to the Cabochon Workshop, turning rough slabs, into little cabbed beauties!!

Enamelling – 17 June, 2018
What a hoot! With a full class of 10 a fun and productive day was had, thanks to Veronicia and Mick. Our Supervisors took us through all the steps to make our own precious piece of art with everyone coming away with “the fever” to do some more. Thank you again Veronicia and Mick for a great day. Our regular Enameling classes are held on the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month between 9 and 1 pm.
For those of you that are unable to make a class through the week, keep an eye out for more Sunday Workshops. – Taken from the monthly newsletter written by Chris.
Glass beads – 30th June 2012
On Saturday 30th June 2012 Jan demonstrated making glass beads. Jan’s work has been recognised at the Easter show with a first prize and anyone that has seen her work will agree it is stunning. Jan is now conducting classes in making these beads.