Christmas Open Day and Market
Sunday 25th November: 9 am to 2 pm
FLYER – OPEN DAY – NOVEMBER 2018 Single Full Page
Annual Exhibition November 2018
Saturday November 3rd: 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday November 4th: 9 am to 3 pm
Cancer Council Morning Tea May 2018
Sunday the 27th May 9 – 2pm
A beautiful day day and plenty of items to look at and of course purchase, brought in a fantastic crowd! Thanks to everyone who took part in the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea hosted by the Illawarra Lapidary Club!
Tambar Springs
April 2018 – 8 club members made the trip to Tambar Springs to fossick for some beautiful Drusy Quartz and Stellerite. It was a fantastic first time trip for a couple of the newer members of the Lapidary club and a return trip for the more experienced and extremely helpful fossickers of the club!

Rock Swap Sunday 25th February 2018
The day of the rock swap proved to be a wet one, but there were still dedicated stall holders and rock hunters out!
4th – 5th November 2017 – Jewellery Gems & Minerals Festival
26th November 2017 – Open Day – Christmas Market
Sunday 28th May 2017 – Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea
25th February 2017 – Rock Swap
5th – 6th November 2016 – 54th Annual Jewellery Gems and Mineral Festival
Sunday 28th February – Rock and Mineral Fair 9am – 2.30pm
Saturday 7th – 8th November 2015 – 53rd Annual Jewellery Gems and Mineral Festival
22nd November 2015 – Open Day
16th November
The second of our open days. Another raining and dismal day to start and then the sun came out and it was hot. The hall had lots of tables with members selling bead necklaces, pendants, rings, rough and cut stones. Certainly enough to attract club members and the public to look round and for some the opportunity to join the club.
Sunday 23rd February Rock Swap at Stuart Park, Wollongong. A bit cool and dismal looking for the first arrival and set up but the sun came out and so did the members of the public. All the stalls seemed to do quite a bit of business and the idea of rock scrambles for the children at 11 a m, Noon and 1 p m was a hit. It certainly did not take long for the children to gather up all the rocks. Most parents would wish that the children would gather up and tidy their rooms as quickly. By about 2 30 p m the park was back to normal.
May 26th was the club open day and Biggest Morning Tea event for the Cancer Council. A full house of club members with stalls set up in the club hall selling lots of bargain items. The biggest morning tea was well patronised with over $270 being raised for the Cancer Council.
Following a few days of heavy rain most club members appear to have thought Sunday 24th February would be a total washout for the rock swap. Not many turned up and set up their stalls but surprisingly the day was brilliant sunshine but so windy. As usual the rock scramble for the children was over and done in seconds. Most parents probably wish the kids would pick up their toys so quickly. The children looked happy with their trophies. Thankfully those that ran the stalls did not do too badly considering the way the weather had been over the previous days.
The first fossicking trip for the 2013 year on Saturday 23rd February was a total washout. Rain followed by heavy rain and then to make a change more heavy rain. So much so that the property owner said that white water kayaking was the order of the day for the creek where the petrified wood is found. Just means more will get washed out of the hillsides ready for our next trip.
Fossicking trip in April was attended by six members at Tambar Springs. The hotel there was comfortable and the meals were delicious and inexpensive. First day fossicking at Purlewaugh where druzzy quartz on calcite (the site appears to be pretty much worked out now) and quartz crystals were found. On the second day at Mullaley some prehnite specimens were found after hard digging. Due to rain on the third day a visit to the Crystal Kingdom in Coonabarabran was called for providing inspiration to everyone that viewed the mineral display. On the fourth day three members returned home, others stayed to try their hand again at the prehnite site and then on to fossick for stellarite.